This time its about ROTIBOY.. Ek eleh..
Was in KL for BOSET the other week with Jimz kan. One night, if i am not mistaken was on Valentine's Day went out to eat at uptown with Jimz and Beg. Best kan Valentine's Dinner this year.. hahha
Cutting the story short, masa tulah first time dalam seumur hidup aku mengetahui tentang kewujudan Rotiboy. Call me backdated or what so ever. Pathethic je bunyiknye.. Beg pun menceritakan dengan penuh kesungguhan menyatakan tentang keenakan dan kesedapan rotiboy ini. Memula tu macam percaya tak percaya lah kan. Sebab tau dah beg ni memang makan macam-macam so nak percaya sedap tu macam susah. *sori ler Beg ye*
But last week i was in KL again. This time i was there to send my adeq back to skool. So kitorang lepak-lepak kat KLCC when adik suggested to buy rotiboy. I was like "ek je ke..??" but tell you what, i ended up finishing them all. Hahha.. Kena pulak cicah dengan Nescafe kan Beg kan..

Rotiboy..What more can i say..
Dah siap dah download..Nak gi layan Leelwan clapping..
Jya ne!
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