With reports due to be submitted, having to run here and there to oversee things with contractors and suppliers and other third party people. Lunyai badan. Rasanya mati sebelum tua ni esok badan ni.
Btw, i am now in Melaka. Ada keja sket kat Air Keroh. Alang-alang dah balik Melaka, i spent the weekend at my mothers place. Kebetulan pulak my pak teh ada buat open house. So, gi umah dia and helped with a few things. Saja nak meramaikan majlis.
Ni gambar aku dan kazen yang kepenatan.
Minggu yang penat.
apsal cengkung sgt ni? macam x cukup makan jer..
kak.. kita cukup makan ar.. siap tambah berat lagi.
tu namanya illusi optik.. huhhuhu
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