This is my picture. Taken by Jimz. We reached CONSIST Training Centre very early that day. Memula ingatkan takut jalan jam. So geraklah awal. Tapi pemutusnya memang cepat dan terlalu awal. So we decided to walk around this training centre and took some pictures. Thanx to Jimz, I can have these pictures updated here.

This is after the end of day one. Rambut kusut masai. Penatnya badan memang tak tahan. Rasa macam nak terus tido je balik tu. Mana tak, we had to swim 4 laps with different strokes. Then we had to climb a ship wall. Pastu kena buat teknik menyelamatkan diri ketika hanyut di laut, and lastly, terjun from a platform into a 3m deep swimming pool complete with wave simulation. Boleh tahan jugak training kat sini ye. Agak-agak nak masuk fear factor tu datang lah sini dulu. Persediaan.
Nampak gaya cam penat kan, tapi sebelum balik rumah Azrul malam tu sempat lagi gi OU. Took Jimz to OU, lepak-lepak and waste time. After Maghrib, we went to eat at Mak Su Lorong (Jubek will know this). About 10 something we headed back to our hibernation place. A longer day tomorrow.
Second day of B.O.S.E.T.
Pagi ni kitorang gerak lambat sket. Kelas pun mula pukul 9.00. So we went makan first before we headed for class. Had a theory class for Helicopter Underwater Escape today. Petang ada praktikal kat pool.

As you can see at the above picture, we are ready to go for our practical training for Heli Underwater Escape. We had to sit in a simulation helicopter and the heli is then crashed onto the surface of the swimming pool. After the chopper has sunk into the pool and rotated 180 degrees, we had to escape from the helicopter.

Nampak tak..?? Heli dah terbalik 180 degrees. But tell you guys what.. I was the first one to be able to escape from the door. 2 persons before me failed to do so. Bangga jugak la. Tak ada apa pun sebenarnya. The most important thing to do is not to panic. Kalau panic memang tak tau nak buat camana.
Jimz also passed within one try.

Gambar keletihan setelah hari kedua. Pena ttau sebab nak kena berenang dalam overall yang memang berat. nasib baik tak ada life jacket. Tapi at first cuak jugak sebab swimming pool dia dalam dan tak ada life jacket. But everything is over.
Third day was not so bad. Fire fighting class and practicals. Went well and did not took any pictures at all. Battery kong. Aiyoh.. this is with my gadgets. Kuat melantak battery. Tapi ok lah kan. Yang ada ni pun cukup. I am too tired.
Jya ne!
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