So Sunday i was in KL. Left Melaka with Jimz at noon. (For the time being, i can't really expose who this Jimz is but he knows who he is. Bahaya kalau ada orang tertentu membaca. Hehhe)
Reached Sunway 2.30 in the afternoon to meet my mates from my schooldays. Bukan apa, saja je nak lepak lepak dgn diorang. Dah lama tak jumpa. Lagi pun, nak jugak jumpa bakal angkasawan Malaysia yang pertama. Yeah, one of my classmates is chosen as the final 8 to be selected as Malaysian first astronout. Serious bangga. We ate at Hartz and after that was bowling time at the alley. Hahha. Bajet aku tak reti bowling ye. Tengok markah sket...

Ni lah antara member lama yang masih rapat lagi dalam kelas Nuruddin. Ummi, Kucheng, Mas, Hendree, Effa and Azrul(sitting). Ada gak yang tak dapat datang sebab urusan masing-masing dan ada jugak yang tak datang memang sebab hampeh. Hahaha..
That night i slept at Azrul's place. I am attending BOSET - Basic Offshore Safety and Emergency Training. Sent by LPP.
Basically this time i am going with my collegue who also works for LPP. Jimz. Mysterious Jimz. Well, we've heard a lot about this course. From jumping from a platform, walking in a dark room to helicopter escape. Macam-macam ni.. I'll make another post to update on B.O.S.E.T alone..
Jya ne
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