And today, we're having an inter department badminton tournament for Cubic. The last one for me i guess. Well, i dont actually play badminton, but every year i will go and support the players. My friends. And this year, my bet is on Hakimi and Mark for men doubles. This time the tournament is at MAKSAK hall, Batu Berendam.

Well, this is Kimi. Bajet bagus gelak-gelak tengok orang lain main. You know who are in the list of players. This year a lot of people turn up. Including Bakri, world paralympic champion and gold medallist for paralympic SEA Games in Manila. We have a world class badminton player in Cubic. Gila bangga.

Patut la gelak-gelak tadi. Rupanya dia memang boleh main. This is a picture of Kimi and Asnor in men doubles final. Kimi partnered Mark Leong (my ex-boss) while Asnor partnered Bakri (the world champion). Gambar ni diambil beberapa ketika sebelum Kimi kena kekejangan otot. A bad one i guess sebab sampai tak boleh bangun. And at last the officials suruh stop the game and Bakri and Asnor clinched the top spot.

Apalah apek ni.. main sampai cramp kaki. Try again next year. Tu pun kalau tak kejang lagi lah ye.. *hehhe* Kesian mamat ni sampai sakit-sakit kaki main badminton. At least it was a good show. A really good game especially during the semi finals. To all winners.. Congratulations..
The event ended at 4.30 p.m. So i headed back home. Nak basuh kereta. Dah lama tak bela kereta tu. Kesian dia. Lepas basuh kereta lepak-lepak in front of the telly to watch Thundercats. Jangan tak tau, Thundercats are now on telly. Sunday, 6.00 p.m TV2. Promo siap.

After maghrib prayers, Auntie Tim, Mas, Bobby and Ellen came to our house for din din. Auntie Tim brought some nice udang for us. Cun kan udang. Tangkap sendiri punya. Mama just goreng kunyit and the result is wonderful. I just ate one. Takut lak esok tak boleh bangun. Tapi serius udangnya memang besar. And fleshy and fresh and scrumptious. Good udang to end a good Sunday.
Jya ne!