As i mentioned in yesterdays entry, today i am going to Mak Lang's house. She invited us all to her house warming kenduri today. So off we went to Teluk Mas early in the morning. Had brekkie (nasi lemak and air mata kucing) at nenek's house. Then it was time to arrange all the tables and chairs for the kenduri.
People from the masjid came at noon. We read the Yaasin and recited the tahlil and after that was makan time (Ilyas called it nasi time). Actually i didn't makan until it was quite late. Tu pun sebab nak gi ambil adik kat Melaka Sentral. If not because of that, i would still not eat. No wonder Hanizam kata aku dah kurus. But, i dont care much. My eating appetite seems fading away. Nak buat camana. nak kena makan weight gain kot...
Lepak kat rumah maklang sampai maghrib. After that, i went to Pak Ngah Hussin's house. The one and only uncle left from my paternal side. He organised another kenduri which was cukur jambul for Intan's son. Didn't stay long over there. Lepak sampai 9.30 je. I was so damn tired. But it was there i learnt about the history of my kampung which i bet not many people knew about it. How Telok Mas got it's name. Maybe i am not sharing with you now. Later la. But there's a pantun describing Teluk Mas created by my great grandfather's cousin *huh..!!*
Teluk Mas Pantai Ketapang,
Anak ketam berjari-jari,
Hilang emas ke kedai tukang,
Hilang kasih mana nak cari...?
Sunday, 29th January 2006
Kong Xi Fa Chai..
Happy Chinese New Year to all..
It was a great sunny day. And the day started early as well. Went to watch Futsal Inter department at Ayer Keroh sports centre. Support Jam and the gang la beb. Jamsari, Kimi, Errol, Saiful, Zuzana, Ain and another girl i cant remember her name. They played well. Tapi tak ada rezeki when they went down to PCBA store guys. Hmm..better luck next time. Apa pun aku tetap sokong korang tau.
Afternoon. Went to some places visiting family friends celebrating chinese new year with them. Best woo dapat ang pow. And there goes my whole afternoon. Ingat nak rilek jap boleh la tido-tido. Tak ada. Balik rumah layan thundercats. THUNDERCATS ada kat tv. Macam tak caya...
Went to Suhaizal's place that night. Anak dia pulak buat akikah and cukur jambul. Here is a picture of me and Balqis, Suhaizal's doughter. Cute huh.. Siap pakai cheongsam sempena chinese new year.

Balqis: May all the best things come your way..
Jya ne!
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